Buổi họp ra mắt dự án MOMA


Tên dự án: Phát triển chương trình giáo dục theo định hướng nghiên cứu trong lĩnh vực khoa học vật liệu và phân tử (MOMA)

Ngày: 19-21/2/2019

Địa điểm: ĐH Cần Thơ, TP Cần Thơ

Thời gian
Nội dung
Người trình bày
Ngày 1: Ra mắt dự án

Chủ toạ: PGS.TS. Bùi Thị Bửu Huê

8:30-9:00 Check-in and Warm-up  (Coffee)
09:00-09:15 Short introduction and welcome Assoc. Prof. Bui Thi Buu Hue

Can Tho University

09:15-09:30 Opening speech Prof. Ha Thanh Toan

Rector, Can Tho University

09:30-10:00 Introduction to department of chemistry at KU Leuven Prof. Luc Van Meervelt

KU Leuven, Academic Project Coordinator

10:00-10:30 Introduction to department of physics and astronomy at KU Leuven Prof. Kristiaan Temst

KU Leuven

10:30-11:00 The collaboration between KU Leuven and Vietnam: a brief history Dr. Elise Konings

KU Leuven, Project Manager

11:00-11:30 Introduction to MOMA project Assoc. Prof. Vu Thi Ngan

Quy Nhon University

11:30-11:45 Closing Assoc. Prof. Bui Thi Buu Hue

Can Tho University

12:00-13:30 Lunch
14:00-16:00 Guided visit of College of Natural Sciences – Can Tho University laboratories
16:00-16:30 Skype meeting with Belgian delegation Assoc. Prof. Bui Thi Buu Hue

Can Tho University

Ngày 2: Cuộc họp Khởi động dự án lần thứ 1

Chủ toạ: GS. Luc Van Meervelt

09:00-09:10 Welcome Prof. Luc Van Meervelt

KU Leuven

09:10 -09:40 Presentation of the admin and pin points of attention in EACEA projects + questions Dr. Elise Konings

KU Leuven

09:40-10:10 Presentation of WP1 + questions Assoc. Prof. Bui Thi Buu Hue

Can Tho University

10:10-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-11:00 Presentation of WP2 + questions Assoc. Prof. Vu Thi Ngan

Quy Nhon University

11:00-11:30 Presentation of WP4 + questions Dr. Nguyen Tran Nguyen

University of Science and Education – The University of Da Nang

11:30-12:00 Presentation of WP6 + questions Dr. Nguyen Bich Ngan

Hanoi National University of Education

12:00-13:30 Lunch
14:00-14:30 The University of Twente and the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology Prof. Wilfred Van der Wiel

University of Twente

14:30-15:00 University of Rostock – Past, Present cooperations and future possibilities in Vietnam Prof. Dirk Hollmann

Univeristy of Rostock

15:00-16:00 Discussion
18:00 Joint Dinner
Ngày 3: Hoạt động dã ngoại
05:00-12:00 Visit of Mekong delta floating markets and research projects of CTU (breakfast will be served around 7:00-8:00 am) Dr. Nguyen Trong Tuan

Dr. Luong Thi Kim Nga

Dr. Tran Quang De

Can Tho University

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.