Online Course: Physics of thin films

     Can Tho University (CTU) has organized an online course “Physics of Thin Films” lecturing by Prof. Dr. Alexey Y. Kovalgin from the University of Twente, the Netherlands. This course was built up for the third-year undergraduate students of the Department of Physics at the College of Natural Sciences, Can Tho University. Besides, many scientific staffs and students from universities in Vietnam (Can Tho University, Ha Noi National University of Education, Quy Nhon University, Da Nang National University of Education, Nam Can Tho University, Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, VNUHCM – University of Science, and Can Tho University of Technology) also attended this source to update new knowledge and modern teaching methods related to thin-film materials field.

    This course gives an introduction to the physical principles, various deposition technologies, measurements, and applications of thin films. Especially, the course covered different deposition methods including physical and chemical vapor deposition, film processing methods (wet and dry etching), and the characterizations for the film properties.

     The lectures will be given online in English using the Microsoft Team application from the Netherlands. During the lecturing time, every part of the contents will be introduced in great detail from the theoretical principle, technical aspect, and the experience of the application idea. Some of the staff members are attended to observe the science and to help the students overcome the difficulties of the language barrier, in the case it is necessary.